Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Post-Primary Depression

Today I am weeping.
Not for the loss of a loved one or
a misplaced heirloom or
the five dollar bill that vanished from my pocket.

Today I am weeping for the lost soul of my country.
The once regal robe of community
Has been stripped off our backs
and thrown into the muck of a political process
that venerates bloodying up our own candidates,
that tolerates parcing and spinning and lies
that obliterates discourse and debate
that seduces us with personality and displaces policy.

We have rended the fabric of civility
forgetting any sense of common purpose;
opting instead to vilify and impune.

We are left naked and shivering;
praying that the tatters
can somehow be woven into a new mantle.

But there are no guarantees
so I weep today.

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